"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

May 25, 2005

It has been a great few days here in Honduras. Lori arrived Monday and I have been continually reminded of how much I love her and why marrying her was the greatest thing I ever did. It was all God and the wild thing is that it came at a time when God was the furthest thing from my mind. I have thought about this pretty regularly lately. Does God work in your life even when your not particularly God-focused and the more I consider it the answer has to be absolutely. At least that is what I keep seeing. Even when we don't know of His presence it is there. Sometimes we may never even realize it is God. I've been thinking of something Greg said to me once about how we are all (and I do mean all) living "under His reign and in His Kingdom" and one of our opportunities is to help ourselves and others see that as a reality. That is really what I see as my mission n life. To continue to recognize and acknowledge God's presence and activity in my life and world and help others recognize and acknowledge His presence in their life and world. I guess that would be discipling. I really love it! This happens in just everyday living in an "as you go" (see Mt. 28:18-20) fashion. That command to go and make disciples may be best translated "as you go". You see the same thing in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. As you go about daily life tell others about God. Don't be afraid to recognize and acknowledge Him even in the midst of your own mess. That is what is so confusing is that folks don't believe that God can be in the midst of their worst times and He can. Lori and I are evidence of that. He was in our lives working even when we had no clue of it. I am just glad that God brought people around that could point His presence out to us so that we could regognize, acknowledge and now proclaim it to others. It is a daily thing, a way of life. It is not some program or set of lessons or prescribed pattern. It happens as life happens. In the midst of "it" no matter what "it" is.

"As you go, make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teach them everything you have already learned from me.....oh yea, don't sweat it cause I will be with you, all the way to the end (whenever that is)!" (Mt 28:18-20, my own translation....can I do that?)


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