"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

May 10, 2005

"Welcome to Honduras"

This is a phrase we get pretty used to here. Nothing ever quite seems to go as it should or with the speed, reliability, or quality you think. Of course, that may be because in the States we are so used to get everything "right now". Its a little more laid back here. It took well over an hour to get a cell phone set up. Then a container was supposed to be delivered to our warehouse by 8:30 AM yesterday and it showed up around 3:00 PM. "Welcome to Honduras"!

I really enjoy the pace here, a lot less stressful and you just learn to relax more. Things will happen when they happen. You get it (whatever it is) done when you get it done. 8 AM usually means about 4 PM, Monday usually means about Wednesday, and this month may mean anytime in the next three. I really wish I could remain as laid back when I am home in Alabama, but I get caught back up in the rat race that is life in the good ol' USA pretty quickly after I return. Maybe this time it will be different. Maybe I will really enter a state of mind that will be less effected by what's going on around me. We'll see.

Today we go pick up a bunch of nonperishable food items to store in the warehouse and I'm hoping to get my international driver's license today also. This will allow me to operate any vehicle and it is good everywhere (even the states).



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