"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

May 22, 2005

Another Sunday and I again realize how much I miss DF. I miss everyone and everyhting about it! I will be really glad to see some of you from Birmingham in a couple weeks when you make your way to Honduras and an opportunity to serve. Yesterday I was reminded again of how much I love doing what we do here and why being away from home is worth the effort.

We drove past the Valley of Angels to finish a house that was started the other day before and while the rain was here. For an interesting look at that day, check out Joe's post. The family we were building for is among the poorest we encounter here. Their home is located very near the town dump and yet it is also one of the most beautiful areas secluded up in the mountains. The property in the States would be very valuable, but here it's not. The house turned out well and the family was very grateful to God for the gift that it is. We are putting floors in the homes this year which is a huge upgrade. We have done cement floors at times in the past, but usually we haven't. These floors are wood siding laid as a floor and it really gives the families a much improved home. Now water can pass under the home as the floor is built up off the ground. I love building homes. It is truly my favorite aspect of the work. A new home seems to give hope and it is exciting to see a family's outlook and perspective change. It is a way of renewing their minds and allowing them to experience what I pray is the love of God, the giver of all things good.

Lori arrives tomorrow and I am glad she will finally be with me. We have much to do in preparation for our group arriving June 3rd and 4th and our interns coming June 15th. Keep us in your prayers and thoughts (same thing aren't they?) as we will need the strength and energy that God gives.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey bro....you are being missed also. Our community time together was focused on Social Justice and remembering those with very little. Very much the rythms of God that you are intently focused on down there and that we should have ears for here. Sending Lori your way today !

10:13 AM  

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