"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

May 17, 2005

After a week of getting acclimated and settled the summer work begins in earnest tomorrow. A group of 25 comes in and will be here for about a week. They are working in a community known for it's tourism and shopping called Valle de Angeles (Valley of Angels). A church in Sarasota is sponsoring a church plant there (still not sure what I think about the whole idea of church planting here in Honduras yet) so we will be beginning that process.

I have read some very interesting blogs the last few days and I think it would be beneficial if you read them. Check out Alan Creech's May 11 post on incarnational monasticism. Here is a brief snippet which may wet your appetite to want to read more:

"They are being incarnational. They are living the Life of Christ in the world - walking around in it, living in it, working in it, interacting with people around them. Mostly, they are being. They are being who they are - and who they are is those who are becoming Christ.

I believe in this as a way of life for Christians. I really never even think much anymore about "going to church". I am beginning to feel that life in community with others is "going to church". It's not about attendind services in some building somewhere. I feel like I'm "in church" most of the time. As I sit around with others just talking, or having dinner together, or maybe give someone a ride to work, or watch a movie with my wife, or build a house, or as I help a friend work on his car, or as I shop in the grocery store, or as I (you fill in the blank), I am interacting with others and no matter what I'm doing, God is there with me or us or whoever. For me that is "church". Another chance to be discipled or be a discipler. To bring someone closer to the kingdom or to be brought closer to the kingdom. Not sure this makes much sense, but there you have it.

Related to Creech's post are the thoughts of Arlen Hanson . I really am finding great strength in what these guys are thinking. I really believe that those of us hanging at DF are traveling a similiar path. Just read Greg's recent posts and you'll see what I mean. Enjoy the reading and be praying for God's work here in Honduras.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm following your journey, and liking what I read. :) Blessings to you brother.

4:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude- you have obviously gone off the deep end. We need to get you "in a church" somewhere.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Oh save me!!!

11:42 AM  

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