"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

May 14, 2005

Today was a pretty quiet day. This morning Tim and I went and purchased some large plastic containers for water that will be used at various work sites for mixing concrete. We then went and purchased over 400 gallons of water for 50 limperas (under $3) and delivered it to a site where a concrete home is being built. I then went to the Mi Esperanza house (also where Lori andI will live again this summer) and worked on the computer. I needed to download printer drivers and see if I could get them working. We have some older printers that have been donated we are attempting to use. It looks like I have one printer working, but I won't know for sure until I get some ink. Both the color and black and white are dried up. I'll have Leo Silva (a great guy who works with us managing the Mi Esperanza projects) try to find some on Monday.

I put my jeep in the shop this week and got it back yesterday (Friday) only to discover that there was a problem with the brakes. Tim called the mechanic (Flavio) and told him there was still a problem and he came out and fixed it this morning. The work I had done cost around $400. In the states it probably would have been well over $1500. I should be pretty set for the summer now. There is a problem with the transfer case, but it will be very expensive to fix ($500-600), so unless we hit the lottery (ha ha) I'll just have to live with it. I really love my jeep and it is a blast to drive into the mountains where we do most of our work.

Tomorrow we will have worship together here at Tim's house. Looking forward to it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marc, Why do you need brakes?

Lowell W. (member of Terry's team in 2004, you took me up to the mission house when we arrived)

10:53 AM  

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