"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Jun 24, 2005

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!

It continues to rain here in Honduras. And it is not just a light rain. It is raining long and hard. The flash flooding around Tegucigalpa is a daily occurence and the damage in the villages on the mountains is truly unbelievable.

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This house is about to be lost into the river.

We are in a continuous full blown relief effort every day. 5 more families are being housed in the church at San Miguel tonight as they lost their homes yesterday to mud slides. (No CNN coverage of the disaster here....I wonder why?).
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This is the bridge that we built last week that was taken out by the water last night.

There are also homes that have been lost in Villa Nueva Sector 8 and Los Pinos (and I am sure many more that we are unaware of) and families are living in the churches there as emergency shelters.
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The rivers are higher than they have been since Hurricane Mitch in 1998 and if a break in the rain doesn't come soon, there is no telling the toll it may take among the poorer mountain villages.

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These boys in Villa Nueva are having a little too much fun in the fast flowing water. Boys will be boys!

With all that in mind there are two things needed from any and all who read this blog.

#1 - PRAY! Be bold and ask God to stop the rain. This city could really use a break

#2 - Money to build houses. It costs right around a thousand dollars to build a home here in Honduras and the need for them was beyond doing before all this rain. The water has just made the demand even greater. If you can help us try to give a home back to those who have lost them due to the flooding and mud slides, please do. Send the funds to Disciples' Fellowship, 2970 Lorna Rd., Birmingham, AL 35216, and we will get the work done! Earmark checks for Honduras Disaster Relief.

Thanks for any help you can give.


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