"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Jul 24, 2005

Today was a good day here in Honduras. As a matter of fact it was one of the best for my wife and the Mi Esperanza interns. One of the cool things about being here for an extended period is the relationships that can be nurtured and developed and it has happened in a big way out in San Miguel. The continued rains and resulting problems have created an opportunity to spend a lot of time out there and that means we get to see and be with the same people on a regular basis and that means relationships are formed and have the chance to develop. Imagine that, spending time with people allows for relationships to develop! Most of you have probably read about the Extreme Makeover house (if not, scroll down) and Melvin, the youngest in the family. Well, let's just say that if my wife had her way we would be the proud parents of a nine year old. He is according to her "the cutest ever". Well, today was Melvin's ninth birthday and to celebrate we brought him to the mall to eat after church, then to a movie, then to our house for cake, presents, and a pinata. Each of our interns also brought along a friend that they invited so in addition to Melvin we ended up with Mauricio, Jonathon, Orlin, Miguel, Aldo, Bryan, and Eduardo. Needless to say it was an absolute blast. The mall itself was an experience with the escalators and elevators. These boys are from among the poorest of families and for a few it was the first time to experience some of these things. Thanks to all of you who give Lori and I this chance to be here. It is incredible to become involved the way we are. I could not imagine anything more fulfilling and satisfying. Its always good to do good!


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