"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Jul 9, 2005

Did you ever get the feeling that you were just intended to do a particular thing? That you were being groomed and prepared for a particular occupation or task or sport or whatever? Well, I've got that feeling. I have always been inspired by and attracted to stories of people giving their lives to help those less fortunate and I have always gravitated toward doing service projects and just generally being helpful and I think that I am just cut out to do the type of work I get to be a part of here in Honduras. I love building homes here and watching a family with no means of support recieve a gift from God that is so useful and practical. I love bringing food and clothing to families that I have gotten to know and watch as God answers their prayers for these basic needs. I'm not so much into "evangelism" in the way we usually think of it, but I love sharing the love of God with those I meet here by hopefully letting them see it in me. I love being a part of things like IRC, TORCH and MI ESPERANZA that really are having a long term, lasting impact on those we get a chance to serve. I love being in a place where the material life is just not such a big deal. I love every aspect of what I am doing on a daily basis here. I even love the helplessness I feel when there are so many that ask for help and I realize we can't help them all. You talk about humbling! I need that in my life. I need to be continually reminded that it is only through something much greater than me that these things are accomplished. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to do what I do. The folks at DF and my wife are the greatest for letting all of this be a reality in my life. I truly believe that I am living the "abundant life". I have never enjoyed life in the kingdom more than I do at this time. I have never enjoyed work (if you can call it that) more than I do at this time. I have never enjoyed life in Christ more than I do at this time. I have never experienced God's love and grace more than I have at this time.


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