"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

May 26, 2006

If American Idol is any indication, the music industry in Birmingham is second to none. Two of the last four winners have come from Birmingham (Rueben and Taylor) and a third Birminghamian made the final two (Bo). Is the magic city now the new music city?

The taxi/bus strike only lasted one day (although there are rumors they will do it again) so I was able to go and visit San Miguel yesterday. It was great to get reaquainted with the kids who had become so much a part of us during our stay here last summer. I have surprised myself with my command of the spanish language. Not sure I would say I'm fluent, but I was able to carry on some pretty lengthy conversations. I have retained quite a bit of what I learned last year and it should only get better as the summer rolls on.

Being back in San Miguel reminds me of why I have so much wanted to continue working here. Poverty really stinks. I guess what really eats at me is feeling pretty confident that God gave adequate resources for all of us and yet, by most conservative estimates, over 75% of the world lives in extreme poverty. Shame on us.


Blogger Mark said...


Isn't that how a schizophrenic mind works? fantasy, reality, fantasy, reality, etc.?

11:56 AM  

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