"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Dec 8, 2003

Recieved an e-mail from my wife, Lori, yesterday. She has arrived safely in Honduras and in her words has "hit the ground running." I could feel her excitement at being there and I truly wish that I could be with her. She has been to the new Mi Esperanza Training Facility and is seeing first hand the blessings that God is pouring out on that work. It is exciting to watch God use my wife in this! Lori can hardly contain the joy she feels as she sees women of Honduras be set free from the cycle of poverty that has so gripped their lives. Please pray for this work and for her involvement in it.

I can't help but be amazed at how that work began. It was a simple question that was asked, "How can we (TORCH Missions) do something to help the women we come in contact with?" As Lori and Janet Hines asked this, they had no idea that God would take their desire to make a difference and use it to do the incredible things He is doing. God is truly awesome! He can use such simple thoughts to do so much.

Please pray for the rest of Lori's trip and that she return home safely later this week.


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