"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Apr 3, 2009

OK..... what do you think of this?

Church in Georgia gives away a car to attract potential members/converts.

I'm calling crap here. There is just no way this can, in the long run, be a good thing. It's a sales tactic, isn't it? Kind of like "bait and switch"? Please tell me I'm not alone in wondering if this is good. Some would argue that "if it works, we should do it" reasoning. I just don't think so. And maybe I'm wrong (as that could always be the case), but I don't think so.

Over the years, I have seen some things here in Honduras that sort of remind me of this. I have watched mission teams come with great intentions - to serve the poor and invite them into a relationship with Jesus. Sometimes along the way, in our zeal, we lose track of the way we go about things. Teams will go into a community and offer to build new homes, food, clothing, medical help, etc. to those that live there while at the same time, presenting a gospel message through bible studies and preaching. I have often seen many "respond" to these studies and preaching, but I always wonder. Are they responding to the message of Jesus or are they responding because they somehow believe that by responding (in the way we ask them to) they will be more likely to receive whatever else is being given away.... a new home, food, clothing, medical help, etc.

I used to struggle with this a lot. Not so much anymore. I have made a personal decision not to confuse the issue. I choose to serve the poor and provide relief. I pray that in doing this, I am somehow (maybe this is where God does his thing?) sharing the message of Christ. If this helps to provide the impetus for someone to become a believer, praise God! That would be a blessing. If all I have done is to provide shelter, food, clothing, or medical help for someone who had need, then praise God! That too, would be a blessing.


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