"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Sep 26, 2007

some blog entries on leadership from Alan Hirsch, author of The Forgotten Ways
part one is here and part two is here.

Red Sox magic number is down to 3!! Would love for them to go into the playoffs with the momentum of winning the AL East rather than giving it up to the Yankees.

Got into an interesting (although probably useless) discussion/debate/dialogue on an Ohio State message board yesterday. One of the players had gotten arrested for soliciting and a couple of the comments really struck a chord of discomfort with me. I don't usually post on those boards, but I found myself getting into a fairly lively back and forth with a couple of the posters. The first comment that got me going was that they were glad that this player was in trouble for a "harmless crime" and not something serious and there should be little to no punishment. My thought... since when has prostitution been harmless? I asked for a definition of harmless in this case and it was explained that these were two willing adults agreeing to engage in sex for money. No harm done. Am I the only one who would take issue with this? I just don't believe that there is anything "harmless" in the whole idea of a woman selling her body for some guys whim. Just because those involved may think its harmless doesn't mean that it is. The other comment that got me was when one gentleman said that this was no big deal because "prostitution is the world's oldest profession and certainly not unique to the 21th century." Now that makes sense doesn't it? I mean, if it's been around for a while it must mean it's alright. Again, maybe it's just me, but I have a hard time buying the idea that something is no big deal just because it's been going on forever.

Let's be honest with ourselves.... prostitution is never "harmless" and just because something has been done for years doesn't mean it is good for it to continue.


Blogger Jennifer said...

AMEN Squirt - prostitution is never harmless - those women have gotten in to something because for what ever reason they felt they had no other options open to them - it is certainly not a "profession" that they are proud of and for others to say it is harmless or because it is the "oldest profession" makes it ok - does NOT sit well with me either.

If it is such a noble profession, why hasn't it been legalized? Probably because it is just plain WRONG!

I am proud of you for taking a stand and speaking out and that young man should be punished just as anyone else does.

9:00 AM  

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