"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Mar 13, 2007

i was reading a blog that pretty much touched a soft spot with me. you can read it here. i have enjoyed many of the articles that i have read on that blog as they often get me thinking. not sure why, but this one really intrigued me. it certainly illustrates one of the dilemmas faced by all full-time ministry staff. if i say what i believe god would have me say, will it cost me my job? it's not always a clear cut choice. ask yourself the same questions.... if it (whatever it is) will cost you your job are you willing to do or say it? if it will anger your boss, do you go there? even if you know you are "right" or justified? are you willing to make waves if it meant you would be out of work? where do you draw the line? how much openness and honesty is healthy and when is it best to just be quiet?

all of us have to decide these answers for ourselves. all of us have to decide how much we are willing to risk. all of us have to decide where we draw the line and it can often be a difficult decision. we wrestle with the honesty, openness question with all of our relationships and somehow that problem is magnified when it comes to how we earn our living. i think where we draw the line is influenced heavily when the consequence is as drastic as losing our livelihood.


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