Again, I apologize for the lack of info. sometimes I just get to tired to think through what I want to say. We have been very busy here at DF as God has brought some evacuees from the hurricanes our way. We currently have 6 living here at the building. They have been a blessing to us as we attempt to be of service to them. Please pray for them.
As I have watched and been involved in the relief/recovery effort, I have been struck with how similiar it is to the ongoing work in Honduras. When all of us are faced with living in a "survival" mode (it is like that everyday in much of the world), we are all pretty much the same. Whether in a third-world environment like Honduras or right here in the good old US of A we all have the same basic instincts as members of the human race. When we are stripped down to the basics of life we are all pretty much the same. We are all capable of the same levels of good and bad actions and decisions. We really never know what we are capable of until we are forced into a given situation. None of us are above making some pretty lousy choices if the circumstances dictate it and none of us are below the ability to rise up to some incredible heights when given the opportunity. Maybe if more of us would live as if we understood this, that there is really no basic difference between us and that we all have our own moments of good and bad, right and wrong, etc., (I sure wish I could live this way consistently cause it seems I'm pretty inconsistent with my own desire to remember this) we would live in a much better world. Then again, maybe not, but I'd like to believe it would be better. That's the ideal world I would love to live in. A place where people treat people right and there are no divisions of class or race or economics or religion or anything. But we don't live in an ideal world, do we? We live in a real world full of people who, just like me, don't always do as they ought to and whether we like it or not there are divisions of all kinds. Maybe, just for today, I can live as if there are none and create a new reality for myself. Then again, maybe not. All I can do is make the attempt today to live in a "different reality", a "kingdom reality".
As I have watched and been involved in the relief/recovery effort, I have been struck with how similiar it is to the ongoing work in Honduras. When all of us are faced with living in a "survival" mode (it is like that everyday in much of the world), we are all pretty much the same. Whether in a third-world environment like Honduras or right here in the good old US of A we all have the same basic instincts as members of the human race. When we are stripped down to the basics of life we are all pretty much the same. We are all capable of the same levels of good and bad actions and decisions. We really never know what we are capable of until we are forced into a given situation. None of us are above making some pretty lousy choices if the circumstances dictate it and none of us are below the ability to rise up to some incredible heights when given the opportunity. Maybe if more of us would live as if we understood this, that there is really no basic difference between us and that we all have our own moments of good and bad, right and wrong, etc., (I sure wish I could live this way consistently cause it seems I'm pretty inconsistent with my own desire to remember this) we would live in a much better world. Then again, maybe not, but I'd like to believe it would be better. That's the ideal world I would love to live in. A place where people treat people right and there are no divisions of class or race or economics or religion or anything. But we don't live in an ideal world, do we? We live in a real world full of people who, just like me, don't always do as they ought to and whether we like it or not there are divisions of all kinds. Maybe, just for today, I can live as if there are none and create a new reality for myself. Then again, maybe not. All I can do is make the attempt today to live in a "different reality", a "kingdom reality".
Galatians 3:26-28.... "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ (a different reality?). There is neither Jew nor greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
Dad! Love ya!!!!!!!! Read my second to last blog...kind of similar in idea.
I agree that we (as people) should not be quick to judge. The things that were happening in New Orleans, that some may consider horrible, are the kinds of things that happen in Honduras daily...constantly. I have fortunately never had to feel that desperate, and I certainly don't want to pretend that I would handle it perfectly. I just don't know.
I couldnt have talked to you at a better time and you always know what to say. I pray for faith like yours. So are you going to emial me the english teaching info or what? haha love you guys soo much!
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