"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Feb 14, 2005

Passion of the Christ or Hotel Rwanda

Most of you that know me may remember my less than enthusiastic response to Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ. It wasn't that I wasn't moved by the film (I definitely was) or that I thought it was poorly done (it was done quite well), it had more to do with the hype surrounding it. Many were predicting it would change the world. It was going to bring the christians and non-christians alike into a deeper understanding of what Jesus did and it would be the greatest evangelistic opportunity we have ever seen. I have no doubt that lives were affected. I also know that our christian and non-christian cultures here in the western world are not much different than they were before The Passion made its way to a theater near you. There is another film out that according to some is having a great impact on those that see it, Hotel Rwanda. I recently read an article by respected christian author Brian McLaren and I am challenged to go see this film and would encourage the rest of you to see it also. There is so much in our world that happens that has little or no effect on our day to day lives, but, as Christians, I am convinced that wherever we see oppression, prejudice, and injustice we should be moved to a response. Here is a link to McLaren's article. I am going to see Hotel Rwanda this week.....anyone care to join me?


Blogger H.M. said...

Yes, I plan to see it this week as well. Good post. My thoughts about "Passion of the Christ" were exactly as you have written. Peace.

3:44 PM  

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