We've now entered the season of Lent. I've never participated before as it was not a part of my background and experience. I'm not too sure what to expect or anything. The thing I'm giving up is french fries. I know that sounds kind of silly, but truth be told, they are a very regular part of my life. Hamburgers and fries are my favorite food and a regular occurence in my diet. I realize how unhealthy that is (we all have our vices). I'm a little worried about the discipline it will take not to get fries the next time I stop for a burger. I'm not real disciplined in general. I respond better to external discipline than I do self discipline. I'm not sure I'm looking forward to eating burgers with God for the next forty days instead of a large fry, but I am anticipating that those meals will ultimately be much more satisfying.
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You are a bigger person than i am. I don't think i could give up french fries. Anything but that. Ha More power to ya bro.
love ya, g
It has been many years since I observed the season of Lent. As a young girl in the Catholic church it was something "we all did" but it really didnt hold much meaning for me. This year as I was preparing for the the thought of sacrifice it brought me much anxiety and
sorrry..now let me finish....
questioning of my abilily to succeed. It was then I new that what I was contemplating was timely amd I knew that my will was in need of sacrificing.
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