"I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself." ~Philippians 3:10

Jun 26, 2007

A few thoughts from Honduras....
  • Words cannot capture my feelings for the work there.
  • A huge thanks to the DF community for allowing me the opportunity to be there
  • A huge thanks to the Rhineharts & Fosters), who have continued to support the work that Lori and I are part of.
  • My wife is amazing.
  • We witnessed a miracle in the story of Mirna.
  • My ipod was stolen (some young Honduran reached in my truck and said "Look how the Lord has blessed me today!").
  • My truck blew up.
  • God worked mightily through those who came to serve. 18 houses, daily prayers and love shared at Hospital Esquela, gatorade surprises for the street workers, "ditch digging" for a new daycare facility, over 200 patients served in a one day clinic, visits to Casa de Esperanza and Jimmy Hughes' place, stories and songs from God's word shared with hundreds of children, relationships created, renewed, and strengthened, stories of God's activity shared, etc., etc., etc.
  • Did I say my wife is amazing?
I encourage everyone to check out the various websites and blogs to read about all that is going on. Here are a few links....

Mi Esperanza
Esperando en Dios (Lori's blog)
Jen Wright - Casa de Esperanza Children's Home
Karen Vaughn - Casa de Esperanza Children's Home
Gayle Davidson - TORCH Group Leader
Kluge Family

These are just a few of the many sites that can keep you up to date on what is happening in Honduras.


Blogger Lori said...

I think your pretty great too! Not to mention...200 families received gift of mush needed and prayed for food!!!!
It was a great trip....but a group reflects the heart of it's leader and YOU my friend are amazing

11:30 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Yes, Squirt - you are amazing - as is your work there in Honduras. I am touched by your heart every time I read your blog.

What happened to your truck? OMG! I hope the young Honduran is enjoying your ipod as well!

Love you!

10:35 AM  
Blogger JSM said...

You're right... YOUR WIFE IS AMAZING!! :)

5:39 PM  

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